The Reproductive Health (RH) bill is controversial as it being opposed by concerned citizens, specially the pro-life and pro-God groups, regardless of creed or religion. The advantage of RH bill in the Philippines is that hopes to provide midwives for skilled attendance to childbirth and emergency obstetric care, even in geographically isolated and depressed areas. Thus, the one of the cause of maternal mortality, that arising from unattended births, will be addressed.
Pro-life groups and many professionals in the medical and nursing fields, believes that physicians and policy makers understand and respect the beliefs of patients who consider human life to be present and valuable from the moment of fertilization. Patients should be made fully aware of this information so that they consent to or refuse the use of artificial contraceptives.
Other aspects of the Bill being contested by concerned citizens include the classification of family planning supplies as essential medicine when their safety/toxicity profile and legal permissibility are questionable. This article based on
Reproductive Health Bill have advantages and disadvantages, I find it more advantageous based on scientifically and practicality.